Monday, July 20, 2009

I don't get it?

Since tonight is my "friday" (no work tomorrow) I am relaxing at home, watching my favorite show (Still Sex and the City- its the perfect DVD to put on when I'm folding laundry and sewing, which I am also doing tonight). I have taken breaks from those tasks to look at some of my favorite baby websites, which inevitably leads to me reading random blogs.

I am truly fascinated by the blogger women out there who make being a "Green Mama" such a huge part of their identity. They adorn their blogs and pages with little "badges" that proclaim: "Cloth Diaper Mama"..."Proud Green Mama"...I even saw one badge that advertised that she didn't feed her baby wheat or dairy. Okay....Some of these women also have multiple pictures of their cloth diaper collection and put lists about how many covers they have and what brand. I am not bashing these women, I guess I am writing about this because I don't quite understand it. I happily talk about these subjects with other women I know who are cloth diapering, but I can't see myself advertising it or writing about it that much. Maybe its one of those things I won't understand until the baby is here? I don't know. Part of me wants to say that perhaps there is just a little too much free time going on there. But then that would be judgemental. Would it? Well I don't WANT to sound that way...moving on...

While we have some "bumps in the road", I want to express first how blessed we are right now with we are provided for and how healthy the pregancy has been.

-I had a scare with my Gestational diabetes testing but I passed the three hour test. The whole experience, however, did reveal that I do need to watch my sugar/carb intake, which is good for Madelyn and I anyway.
-I am well into the third trimester (30 weeks) now and am doing quite well! I still love her kicks, and all of my symptoms are very normal. My blood pressure is outstandingly low.

In the end, can I really ask for more than a healthy me and baby? Well...yes. But I'll make it quick:
Ross is still on the job hunt and it is frustrating for everyone. I do feel bad for him because he hates being at home. He WANTS to be at work and to be the breadwinner. I am getting tired of being the breadwinner...and just getting plain tired. This is a challenging time for us but I am convinced that God is helping to build our character(s). As I was driving to work today I thought about how even though life hasn't always been perfect and easy, I have gotten everything I wanted and needed so far. This is a good lesson in patience and gratitude for everything we do have.

Okay, so that wasn't very quick :) But right now I am playing with a little foot that keeps sticking out on my right side. Its so cute!

Okay, I am going to go back to sewing some reusable baby wipes. Sorry, no "Cloth Baby Wipes Mama" badge or pictures to follow;)