1) I had a good, honest discussion with my husband about some not-so-easy-to-discuss-topics where there was no yelling, fighting, or storming off. We stayed calm, respectful, and open. As a result, he learned a lot of new things about me, and I was able to clearly explain myself to him. It turns out that you CAN be married to someone for 6+ years and not know everything about them! I can get into the topic another time, but one thing about me is that I require a lot of patience when I need to voice my feelings/opinions. Sometimes I get stressed about confrontation and spew out the first thing that comes to mind; which can be inappropriate, offensive, and not even close to what I mean to convey. I'm kind of a nut :)
2) shorter work week!
3) Madelyn now wraps her arms around my neck when I come home from work and goes in for a kiss. She will sometimes do this when I say, "Gimme a kiss!". Toddlers are amazing!
4) MY SISTER IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!! Her boyfriend of 6+ years proposed to her on Christmas Day.
5) Today I had an amazingly emotional day at work which involved making a positive connection and praying with a patient, acting quickly to resolve a life threatening drug reaction, and discussing care with another nurse on our patient who was actively in the process of dying. While this wasn't ALL positive, it was extremely fulfilling and reminds me that my job is never boring, and that what I do counts (which dramatically softens the blow of not being able to be at home with my daughter).
6) (starts out Negative but get positive, I swear) I had to go to the dentist at the end of last week because my recently filled tooth was so sensitive I couldn't drink cold beverages or chew on that side a month after the procedure. I was convinced the dentist had screwed up my tooth, but upon further examination, it was revealed that I am a night grinder (which sounds sexy and dirty, but unfortunately means I just nash my teeth together and clench my jaw when I sleep) which has irritated the root/nerve. I cried when she told me, which was totally inappropriate, and only because I was PMSing and feeling stressed about the fact that my own stress is ruining my teeth. Are you waiting for the positive part? I recognize my stress and hormonal mood swing PMS problem and plan on working on both of these issues. Stay tuned.
And God bless you in 2011!