Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where I Am Now (Health/Food related)

Few things are as exciting as knowing that I get to have a surprise half-day tomorrow at work. Knowing that I get a break in my Tue-Fri maddness and get to experience just a few more moments of what life would be like if I didn't work almost-full-time...

You know me- its midnight and I'm bakin'. I have kale chips in the oven that should be in a dehydrator, but I don't have one. I have an "experiement" rice-flour bread in queue to go in next. I am sipping a vodka and grapefruit juice, because I don't have to be at work until 12:30pm and nothing is more enjoyable and therapeutic to me than cooking/baking while enjoying a cocktail (used to be a glass of wine before this crazy diet).

Crazy Diet Update:
Its going remarkably well. I have tapped my resources (IE- New Seasons and Bob's Red Mill which are very close by; and healthy living blogs) and have discovered some pretty awesome recipes and snacks. I have learned that one, in fact, can live on a more simple eating plan w/o additives. Baking and preparing food has taken up more time that I thought I didn't have; but I have learned that its worth it. Ross knows how to make me sauteed veggies, pork sausage, and quinoa (my new dinner staple) so he does that often. Otherwise; I come home from work, strap Maddy into the Beco carrier so we can have "loves time" while I cook up some other random concoction that adheres to the plan. This has been my best multi-tasking effort yet and I love it. Maddy loves watching what's going on in the kitchen, so its a slam dunk in our house.

The main point is: I'm surviving. Thriving, even. I have never physically felt better, and didn't have any intestinal issues until I had a weak point this week and ate out against my diet. We had a stressful day/week and I succumbed to my weakness of having food as an outlet/comfort. I said I would just do it once and then proceed with the diet as if it had never happened ( NOT tell anyone!). Well...I paid for this BIG time. Today at work, to be specific. And let me tell you; there is no bathroom suitable for digestive issues in my clinic. Its either the patient's bathroom or the bathroom adjacent to the lobby and my manager's office. Not cool. So I decided that yes, even Red Robin is just not worth it. I am back on track and almost thankful to be so.

The details: I lost 5lbs pretty darn quickly! And amazingly, my weight and appearance is not ranking #1 in this quest. I am pretty happy to have that be a pleasant side effect of being healthier and feeling better. I am less cranky and am accomplishing life's tasks a lot more efficiently lately. I have more energy, and just feel better overall. I highly recommend being tested for food intolerances and going through the process of elimination to figure out what causes harm to your body. I am still in the beginning phases and have no idea what food(s) are causing my inflammatory response, but I am so happy to experience life without it for almost 3 weeks! Its pretty amazing. I don't recommend books or fad diets; because those appeal to the masses and the common food allergens, but not the individual. A perfect example being: my body tolerates corn w/o any problems, but limes and oats may be harmful to me. If anyone is interesting in going down this road, I highly recommend seeing an allergist and having the appropriate testing done.

Okay- so was that a soap-box type statement? Because if it was, I am SO sorry. I can't stand soap-box crap. Its 1241 and my rice flour bread still has 30 minutes to go. I convinced the hubs to stay up and hang with me. Gnight!

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