Saturday, January 23, 2010

18 weeks- I think I've been off a week!

Age18 weeks, but last week should have been 17. whoops! I can't count...or maybe I skipped last week? I don't know...

Weight - 13 lbs at her pediatrician appt. Not as big as I thought! 50th percentile for her age. Height was 23" but the nurse totally measured wrong. Seriously...not just being an obnoxious parent. She's 24"- promise :)

Sleeping habit - hmmm....not 12 hours every night this week. Think she has been in a growth spurt, or that ridiculous "4 month wakeful period" people talk about. Still sleeps 6-8 hours at a time though, so I can't complain! 12 hours last night.

Eating habits - Hmmm, again- growth spurt! One day she nursed 8 times, which is way up from her usual 5-6. She was back to 5 today, so hopefully it was just a growth spurt and we are all regular now :) Also I have decided not to start her solids until 6 months. Who knows; she MAY be ready. She holds her head up steady and sits up assisted. But I would rather just wait, since my milk seems to keep her full (and, lets just be honest: I'M not ready for her to eat solids. My baby is growing up too fast!)

Cutest Moment of the Week - She totally charmed the pediatrician. He kept getting distracted by her while he was trying to explain stuff to us. She gave him huge flirty smiles. Watch out for this one! Also Ross's new beard tickles her when he kisses her. She closes her eyes and giggles every time he nuzzles or kisses her.

Milestones - 4 month old birthday! Possibly teething, and very alert.

Firsts - Got 2 big ones this week!
1) Rolls from back to tummy! She can now roll both ways! She did it for the first time at her 4 month pediatrician appointment on the exam table, right in front of him. She must like him :)
2) Sits up unassisted for a few seconds (in tripod position- bending over and one hand on ground, one hand on foot).

1 comment:

smull1 said...

I'm so jealous of her sleeping habits!
Sounds like she is doing awesome. Congrats on four months!