I am in the 6th week of my pregnancy now. I mostly look and feel the same- only I have gas coming out my ears, blemishes all over my face, and I am just a little queasy in the morning and if I eat a big meal. Then of course the aformentioned growing boobs and having to sleep 10 hours a day. If this is pregnancy, I don't mind it so far (except for gas and blemishes, but thank goodness for BareMinerals foundation powder, and at least I'm not puking my guts out)! Maybe I'm being naive and will hate the world for the rest of the year, but I read that those symptoms are usually into full swing by week six. I'm really loving this. Ross has been super sweet and attentive about my very mild symptoms. I'm a happy girl. Only 11 days until the Dr.'s visit, where we can hopefully see baby heart beating. I have some good prayers praying for this little baby, and I need to be doing more of that, too!
Ross has a show next weekend, and I hope I have fun. Its kinda weird to go to some of these things without having a couple drinks. I know that sounds funny, and probably a little alcoholic-like...but I'm sure many would understand what I'm actually trying to say. I don't know, you go to a bar, listen to music, talk with friends...I've just gotten used to really enjoying a drink in that atmosphere. I guess I better get used to having a baby in my hand insead of a drink. Fear not everyone, I take my baby over a drink any day. Even a great glass of red wine or a crisp gin and tonic with extra lime. Time to go make myself another virgin bloody mary (I've had about 5 or 6 of those in the past week and a half).
I should change the name of this blog to: "Inside the head of an obsessing newly pregnant woman". By the way, I'm reading the book up there. I love it! I recommend this to any obsessing pregnant girl like me (or even the non-obsessers).